Thursday, March 5, 2020

Juicing A Way To Begin A Healthy Living

Juicing A Way To Begin A Healthy Living This guy is making all of my meals this week This weekend I started a cleansing/detox program that is commonly referred to as juicing, a process that involves taking various fruits and vegetables and blending them into a juice/smoothie and, for seven days, foregoing solid food in favor of five drinks per day. If youre familiar with the documentaries Hungry for Change or Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, then youve heard of juicing before. Why am I doing this? American diets are notoriously bad at giving the body nutrients it requires to function properly. Were all aware that the US is one of the highest-ranked nations in obesity. 27.5% of us are obese. Our bodies are constantly ingesting man-made food that they were not designed to digest. We have worsened our health because of what we put into our bodies. If you have 15 minutes, watch Dr. Terry Wahls  talk about how she treated her M.S. with a healthy diet inspired by the Hunter/Gatherer diet, and youll hear her talk about our horrendously poor nutrition and how that effects our minds and our bodies, all the way down to the cellular level. The typical American diet is high in calories and low in nutrition, obviously the inverse of what our bodies are designed forthus, we have higher rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even learning disabilities. The processed foods we take in are not being processed in our bodies. Juicing provides an opportunity to flush out the garbage we take in, giving us an opportunity to change our lifestyles more suitable to what we, as humans, are biologically designed for. After two days, Ill admit to it being difficult. Im getting headaches from the lack of caffeine, and Im craving a bacon cheeseburger something fierce, but Im not hungry. Its five 10-12 oz glasses of juice per day, juice that is derived from fruits and vegetables that you buy and blend at home. After a drink, I feel full, but want to eat more, because my body has become addicted to the chemicals and sugar we put in our processed food. Ill follow this up next week and let you know how I feel at the end, but the purpose of juicing is not to starve merather, it is to give my body what it needs and get rid of what it doesnt. Its helping my body naturally discharge the chemicals I put in without inundating it with more crap. You can find out more about juice at Jason Vales website, and read about it yourself, but I encourage you to consider it as an option for improving healthy living. Its not a diet, its a lifestyle change. I encourage you to give it a look. Its an added bonus that the stuff is actually pretty tasty.

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